Emma Wheeler

Assistant Director, Leader Hiring

About Emma Wheeler

I love to connect with people through activities – whether it’s hiking in the White Mountains, playing an intense game of spikeball, going to a comedy show, or just grabbing sushi. 

This love drew me to Overland before my senior year of college. After two summers, I had bonded with over forty students and three co-leaders while exploring New England and Alaska. I learned that the nature of an Overland trip reveals strengths and weaknesses that could not be discovered anywhere else. We show our truest selves while surrounded by grand peaks and vast open water, and it is in this raw state that the strongest bonds are created. The highs and lows of an outdoor adventure connect people in ways that are unimaginable. This is why I’ve returned to Overland year after year, and why I am thrilled to be joining the year round team. 

On the Leader Hiring team, I hope to find people willing to dive deep for an incredibly rewarding summer experience. I’m excited to greet leaders at the end of the summer, beaming with joy about their new friends and stories, and I’m eager to hear what revelations they came to while leading.  

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