Luke Costley
I grew up the youngest of six kids, which meant there was always a lot happening at our house. Between my three older brothers and two older sisters, there was always something to do and always someone to do it with. By following in my siblings’ footsteps in all they did – from countless sports, community service, and always finding a way to get outside – and by carving my own path through the world as well, I’ve learned how to be a good teammate and show up for people. I’ve learned how to work hard and smart, and how to have fun while doing it all. I believe all of these things are essential to the Overland community.
Some of my friends from the outdoor community at Harvard recommended Overland to me. They knew I loved sharing the outdoors with other people, and that I was the most joyful when doing so. I met with Overland team members on campus and after my junior year, I found myself leading a group of students down the Pacific Coast on bikes. I had a terrific co-leader and adored the students in my group.
I love getting people excited about being outside, and I love talking to people about how magical an Overland summer can be. As a member of the year-round team, I’m excited to connect with potential leaders all over the country and get them involved in the wonderful community and family that is Overland.
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