Luke Costley

“Gratitude and joy - and the promise of a summer outdoors.”
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About Luke Costley

I feel so lucky to be a part of Overland: as a student, as a leader, as the little kid running around Leader Training; as a hiker, a first-time-backpacker, a nervous new camper; as a member of the year-round team, as a backcountry chef, as a co-leader.

Overland – and the people in this community – have shaped my life. June signals Trip Start and ice-breakers, July means Challenge Hikes and summit celebrations, and August is final dessert circles: highs, lows, and so many “Cheers!” I’ve experienced the power of a small group pursuing a meaningful goal; the promise of a summer spent outdoors; the lasting impact of great leadership; and what it means to contribute to something bigger than myself. 

As I look ahead to a new and exciting chapter with Overland, it’s these experiences that I hope to carry forward. And I know that this community–those who’ve come before me, the team I work with now, and the families, students, and leaders who will join us this summer–will continue to shape me, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

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